June Safety Corner – Sun Safety
Stay Safe in the Sun Sun damage to the body is caused by invisible ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Sunburn is a type of skin damage caused by the sun. Tanning is also a sign of the skin reacting to potentially damaging UV radiation by producing additional pigmentation...

May Safety Corner – National Safety Month
NATIONAL SAFETY MONTH Each week throughout National Safety Month in June is an opportunity to make a difference in your home, work, and community. Identifying risks around the home or improving safety standards at home and in your community protects everyone....

May Project Spotlight When it rains, it pours…
First Call's New Kensington, Pennsylvania field office was dispatched to an incident involving a punctured 55 gallon drum in a trailer. The material had leaked from the trailer and was carried by heavy rains into a storm drain and ultimately into a retention pond. The...

April Project Spotlight – Controlling the Chaos
First Call Louisville, KY was contacted to respond to an overturned tank truck hauling diesel and gasoline. The tanker, a DOT 406 spec with multiple compartments had overturned in a median and was actively leaking from several compartments. The First Call team...

April Safety Corner – Work Zone Safety
Work Zone Awareness First Call Environmental operates on the side of major highways in Work Zones up and down the East Coast and into the Midwest. We would like to take the time to remind you to slow down and look out for all of those workers along the sides of the...

Let First Call get you on the right track. FCE welcomes our newest location Chattanooga, TN
Please join First Call Environmental in welcoming the grand opening of our newest service location - Chattanooga, TN. Our Chattanooga, TN office is open and ready to respond 24/7, 365 for you and ready to show you, "The First Call Difference!" Chattanooga, Tennessee...

March Safety Corner – Protect Your Eyes 321
Protect Your Eyes from Too Much Screen Time First Call Environmental and the American Academy of Ophthalmology offers tips to avoid dry, strained eyes Research found that the average office worker spends 1,700 hours per year in front of a computer screen. And that...

March Project Spotlight – Going above and beyond for our customers
Late in the afternoon on a busy Monday, First Call Environmental was contacted for a response to clean up a discharge from an overturned septic tanker along a busy NJ highway. The incident had been ongoing for several hours and the initial contractors that had been...

February Project Spotlight – Team Work and Customer Service
First Call Raleigh was contacted to perform a site assessment for a home heating oil release in the crawl space of a residence. Upon arrival, the First Call manager was informed that the oil had released from a faulty filter and impacted a soil crawl space. The odor...

February Safety Corner – Heart Healthy Month
February is American Heart Month, a tradition since 1964. During this month, everyone is encouraged to raise awareness against heart disease, which is the number one condition in the country. Research has established that almost half of Americans have at least one...